Why use Posture Therapy?

Different Posture Levels visualized

Understanding Posture

Bad posture puts stress on ligaments that hold your spinal joints together, causing pain, limited mobility, and muscle strain (Mayo Clinic). Good posture can help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and bring balance to your life. Good posture can be understood as follows:

  1. Shoulders, Hips, Knees, and Ankles are loading joints
  2. Loading Joints should be vertically aligned
  3. Left and Right side should be symmetrical and equal
  4. Weight should be evenly distributed in front and back of feet

What is Posture Therapy?

Posture Therapy is a non-invasive approach to help our bodies sit, stand and move in a way that feels comfortable and healthy. It involves exercises and stretches that focus on the root cause rather than simply masking symptoms. Posture Therapy can also strengthen your muscles and improve your overall posture.

Just like brushing your teeth keeps them healthy, Posture Therapy can help your body stay strong and healthy!

Man with pain in his back
Man with pain in his back

Why Posture Therapy?

Posture Therapy's vision is that neck pain, back aches, headaches and fatigue from poor posture will be a thing of the past! We want you to live your best life and this means a life that is pain-free.

We live in a fast paced world where we're always on the go. You may have an old injury that gets worse through repetitive use from exercise or work. You may have poor posture from hours of sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen. You may think that tense muscles are the norm - but they're not!

As an Egoscue Certified Postural Alignment Specialist, we partner with you to assess your posture, teach you gentle exercises and stretches to improve your alignment, overall health and wellbeing and provide you with a tailored exercise menu to restore your body's balance.

Benefits of Posture Therapy?

Posture Therapy can help you in the following ways:

  • Reduce Pain
  • Prevent Future Injuries
  • Improve Overall Quality of Life
  • Improve Breathing
  • Improve Circulation
  • Improve Posture
  • Improve Digestion
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Reduce Stress
Exercise bridge pose

Free Consultation

30 Minute No-Obligation Phone / Zoom Call
Take care of yourself. Take an opportunity to see if Posture Therapy is right for you!

Sessions are In-Person or Online via Zoom

Pay up-front or Via Installments

Instalment plans available - Minimum $250 after Initial Consultation and remainder as agreed.

Special discounted rates for Pensioners, People with Disability, and Kids (Under 18). For more information, please send us a message.

What to Expect

Each 60 minute session includes:

  1. Posture Alignment Photos - We take photos of you Front, Sides and Back
  2. Assess, Discuss and Identify your posture, muscle imbalances and movement patterns
  3. Develop and go through your Personalised Posture Therapy Exercises and Stretching Plan to correct your posture and improve function. Links to your personal instructional daily 20 minute exercise plan will be sent via e-mail and PTX Therapy app.

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To inspire and uplift, we also offer a Tutoring session.